








beate bachmannによるPixabayからの画像











English ver.

The Double-Personality Gal Who Found Herself and Contributed to Society

She has been a gal since she broke up with her boyfriend. Apple green hair, pink lipstick, big earrings, flashy nails. We had been friends since high school and I never expected her to change so much.

I asked her, “How are you doing these days?” I asked her, and she smiled brightly and said, “I’m fine! I’m a gal now,” she replied.

Since then, she has been posting on social networking sites every day. Selfies, pictures of parties with friends, and fashion coordination. As I watched, I was puzzled by her changes.

One day, she called me. I’ve gotten myself into a lot of trouble,” she said, sobbing.

She had been sexually harassed by a man. He was the manager of the store where she worked part-time at the school she attended. He called her a “little thing,” and she was frequently sexually harassed.

We talked to the police and the case was closed. However, she still could not forget the unpleasant incident and began to flee to alcohol.

Once she got drunk and said to me. I actually have a dual personality. I was surprised. She was usually cheerful and confident. But when she was drunk, she became a completely different persona.

‘I don’t know what I really want,’ she said. I want to be a gal, but on the other hand, I really want to be a normal girl,” she said.

We were to protect her from those who put themselves in harm’s way for her. We never gave her credit; we just remained on her side.

Rumors spread, and she was treated as a petty character. But we stood up to those who attacked her. We thought about what she really wanted and helped her continue to be herself.

And gradually she began to change. She abandoned gal fashion and began to wear normal clothes. She dyed her hair black, got smaller piercings, started posting more modestly on social networking sites, and took more time to be herself.

We continued to support her and she began to accept herself. She came to understand and accept that she could be both a gal and a regular girl.

Then one day she said. ‘Me, I’ve learned to protect myself. I’ve learned to protect my interests and to appreciate myself. But that’s not all. I have come to want to protect those who have experienced what I have suffered. I want to create a society where no one will be sexually harassed in the future.”

She has become committed to contributing to society as well as to her own personal development. We supported her goals and promised to work with her.

She began volunteering to help those at risk. She reached out to what she called the “little guys” and taught them how to protect themselves.

Instead of hiding the fact that she was a dual personality, she embraced it. She became able to protect herself and others.

We decided to continue to support her growth and work with her to achieve the society she wanted. She became a gal, a normal girl, and a dual personality she could be proud of herself.

