













English ver.

“The downfall of a politician”

As a reporter for a newspaper, I was covering a member of the National Diet. One day, a Diet member suddenly decided to hold a press conference to apologize.

The Diet member, whom I had been covering, had recently been in the news for inappropriate behavior. We, the reporters, were listening to what he had to say and trying to get to the bottom of it.

He said, “I sincerely apologize for the great inconvenience I have caused. I am a statesman and will do my utmost to earn your trust again,” the congressman said in his apology.

We journalists, however, had our doubts about this apology. The congressman had returned to Japan and resigned from the National Assembly.

We continued to follow his disappearance and search for where he had gone. Eventually, we discovered that he had gone abroad.

However, he never returned and was expelled from the National Assembly. We began to look into his past deeds to find out why.

And we discovered that he had been spending public money by frequenting pachinko parlors and maid cafes. He lacked the common sense and sense of responsibility of a politician.

In the midst of all this, his successor was moved up and elected. He set forth his policies as a member of parliament and set forth his policies for a new era.

Meanwhile, he himself was taken into custody and awaited trial in court. His passport was also confiscated and he could no longer travel abroad.

He reflected on his actions and vowed to rise again. But the way he chose was not as a politician, but as a working man.

He decided to work diligently at his new job and contribute to society.

The end
