
宇宙のイメージ 小説










Image by Adrian from Pixabay


English ver.

“Battle with the Infinite King”

Miroku was a young man with a prodigious talent for mathematics. He had been interested in mathematics from an early age and had phenomenal computational skills.

One day, Miroku decided to prove how he could solve infinite numbers. He pushed himself to his limits and continued his research day after day.

Finally, Miroku arrived at the dimension of infinitely large numbers. What he saw was a world unlike anything he had ever seen before. There were so many beings in the dimension that Miroku could not even count them.

However, Miroku was able to find the laws that existed within the dimensions. He was able to use mathematical formulas to understand infinity numbers.

Later, Miroku met other mathematicians in the world of infinite numbers who had similar talents as he did. They continued their research within dimensions, sharing their findings with each other and making new discoveries.

Even within dimensions, however, Miroku continued to push his own limits. He confronted an entity in the dimension called the Infinite King.

The Infinite King was Miroku’s greatest enemy. He could dominate dimensions and even distort the laws of mathematics. However, Miroku overcame his own limitations and defeated the Infinite King. His victory gave courage and hope to many people, and Miroku became a legend for generations to come.

However, Miroku had an enemy he could not defeat. His life had come to an end. He looked back on the accomplishments he had left behind, a look of satisfaction on his face.

Then, several hundred years after Miroku’s death, a new mathematical genius appeared. He inherited Miroku’s accomplishments and further developed infinity numbers. He honored Miroku’s achievements by founding a discipline that bears his name. The discipline was then passed on to many others and developed around the world.

Miroku had a lifelong passion for mathematics and continued to push his own limits. He challenged the limits of mathematics in dimensions and gave courage and hope to many people. His courage and dedication were passed on to future generations and continue to inspire and respect him for many.

The end
