「でも、先輩、どうすればいいんですか? 私たちは政府に何もできないじゃないですか」

English ver.
“The Fragment of Freedom”
Moe was a middle school girl who loved freedom and was antagonistic toward the government. This was due to the influence of an older student whom she respected. When Moe was a little girl, her senior was suffering from the unreasonableness of the government and was involved in anti-government activities to help those who were suffering. Every time Moe listened to her senpai’s stories, she learned more and more about the government’s underhandedness and became less and less able to trust the government.
His friends and family around him took it for granted that they believed in the government, which did not agree with Moe’s opinion. However, Moe decided to follow the path she believed in. Through the Internet, she learned the truth about the government and continued on the path she believed in.
One day, the government decided to semi-forcibly inoculate people with a drug that was not only ineffective, but harmful. Moe was angered that the government was supposed to be there to protect people, but nothing would change, including putting their own health at risk. Moe decided to take action and consulted his seniors. The senpai remembered their suffering and decided to fully support Moe.
Moe and his senpai researched the ingredients of the drugs that the government planned to inoculate people with and disseminated the dangers of these drugs on the Internet. As a result, many people refused to be inoculated with the drugs, forcing the government to stop the inoculation.
This action led to Moe and her seniors gaining the support of many people. The girls began to voice their complaints against the government and demand social change. The government began to threaten and suppress the girls, but they continued to resist in their quest for freedom.
It was late at night and the streets were sparsely populated. Moe shook off his friends and headed for home. On her way there, she happened to meet a senior student.
‘Oh, what are you doing here at this hour?’
Senpai called out, looking a little surprised. Moe couldn’t help but look at each other.
‘Senpai, I was just leaving…’
Moe looked at her and said, “I see…well then, do you want me to walk with you on the way home?”
Senpai smiled gently. Moe nodded happily.
Moe nodded happily, “Senpai, when we talked about the government in class today, I said that unlike everyone else, I have a distrust of the government.”
The senior looked at Moe with a surprised expression.
‘I see, so you don’t believe in the government anymore.
‘Yes, from what my senior said, I began to have doubts about the government.’
Senpai smiled and looked at Moe.
‘I’m flattered that I influenced you that much.
They continued talking as they walked home. Senpai talked about the dark side of government, and Moe listened intently to what Senpai had to say.
But, senpai, what can we do? We can’t do anything to the government, can we?
‘Well…but we can at least gather information and voice our opinions.’
Senpai said with a serious expression on his face. Moe nodded at his senior’s words.
‘Yes, I’ll work hard with my senpai.’
They came to the front of the house. Senpai smiled and said goodbye to Moe.
Good night, Moe. See you tomorrow.
Good night, senpai.
After entering the house, Moe remembered Senpai’s words. What can we do and what is the right thing to do? Moe was determined to pursue the dark side of the government.
The end