











Sasin TipchaiによるPixabayからの画像



English ver.

Non-Performing Loans and the No-Pants Runner

Chasing after a saiyan wife with no pants on had nothing to do with the bank’s collapse. But such unusual events happen because of a place called Silicon Valley.

Jeff worked for the largest declaratory company in Silicon Valley. Over the years, he saved his deposits and held receivables. Still, he dreamed of one day retiring and traveling the world on his yacht.

However, the recent drop in long-term interest rates put Jeff’s dream in jeopardy. Interest on the money he had deposited was falling, and he was unable to raise the funds he needed by the age he planned to retire.

It was then that Jeff was caught up in a strange turn of events, chasing after a Saiyan wife with no pants on. She was a well-known Silicon Valley entrepreneur and Jeff was an officer of the bank that managed her bank account.

One day she sent him a letter offering to deposit a large amount of money into her bank account. She wanted to use the funds to make the necessary investments to start a new business. Jeff decided to accept her application because of the high value of the assets she had and her reliability.

Before accepting the application, however, Jeff asked her why she was running around with no pants on. She explained that it was part of her counseling regimen. She was running around with no pants on every day to relieve stress.

Jeff accepted her application, but then came the news of the bank’s collapse. It was discovered that the failed bank had been buying up non-performing loans to cover the losses it had sustained due to the decline in long-term interest rates. And some of those bad loans were related to the funds for which she had received her application.

Jeff contacted her and asked her about the bad loans she had purchased. She admitted that she had purchased the bad loans, but replied that she did not know they were from a failed bank.

She had bought those bad loans in order to raise the money she needed for a new business she was developing. However, her business was terminated when it was revealed that the bad loans she had purchased were from a failed bank.

She was shocked that the bank she had trusted had gone bankrupt and felt frustrated that she did not know that the bad loans she had purchased belonged to a failed bank. It also became clear that running around with no pants on was not a cure for her stress, but a way to escape the problems of the failing bank.

Jeff was sympathetic toward her and felt responsible for her failure. She decided to be honest about all the problems related to the bank’s failure and the bad loans she had purchased. Together, she and Jeff set up a new business and set out to make it successful again.

Through this event, Jeff learned that a drop in long-term interest rates could lead to a bank failure, and he felt it was important to review his measures against it. He also decided to reconsider his own retirement plans.

